Dragons of all shapes and sizes occupy this world but due to the spread of wizardry, they are most often found on remote islands or on lonely peaks. A solitary race of oviparous hermaphroditic flying lizards capable of parthenogenesis and, when mature enough, breathing fire.
It takes a dragon over a hundred years to go from hatchling to hazard and live for thousands of years. When younger, they are much quicker and only with maturity do they become more sedentary. They consume around 1 hefty meal a month and spend much of their time sleeping while they digest it. Their conflict with people comes from how they source their meals – usually from livestock but it is not unknown for them to take people (as they only consider Wizards to be intelligent).
Dragons speak the True Speech, part of the song which separated the lands from the seas and sky, but their words do not change the world as wizards do. They do not work wonders, they are wonders.
Dragons guard their True Name even more than Wizards do. Their vulnerability to wizardry means they are hesitant to cross Wizards of the Guild. They’ll be much keener to negotiate and keen to share their experience. Dragons don’t just talk, they gossip, building a skein of history lasting millennia.
It therefore takes courage to seek a dragon out and it is a fools errand to do so without a Wizard. Beware of anyone claiming to be a Dragonslayer.
(all this and more on the Patreon)