Blade Runner is one of the published games by Free League which uses a version of the Year Zero Engine (YZE) which eschews dice pools in favour of stepped dice. This means that instead of just adding more dice until you’re rolling a handful of clickety-clacks, you increase the ‘magnitude’ of the dice for skills and attributes. A d6 becomes a d8, a d8 to a d10….etc.
Blade Runner and Twilight 2000 use the same base system. Blade Runner is a little simpler, having an advantage/disadvantage mechanism whereas Twilight 2000 just uses a sequence of modifiers from a small table which promote or demote your dice up or down the magnitude scale.
Now, while there are a couple of supplements for Blade Runner available (Fiery Angels is out, Replicant Rebellion is coming), there are literally hundreds of scenarios and campaign materials for Twilight 2000.
So, even if you don’t want the clean, accuracy of Twilight 2000, you still have a heap of materials to use.
Take your Blade Runner characters into the Deadzone. Enhance their psychic abilities with The 23rd Letter. Introduce a zombie plague with Twilight Tangents. Bring in superpowers with Enhanced. Add in Magic with De Occulta, add in Vampires with Exsanguine. Find mythos horror with Rise of R’lyeh or have them fight Dragons, Elves, the menace of the Gloom or even Space Marines. All of these are available for a couple of dollars to enhance or change the direction for your Blade Runner game.
Next, a brief chat on how to use Alien resources with Blade Runner, taking advantage of the Easter Eggs which litter both.