“When it come to emotions, even great heroes can be idiots.”–Sir Te to Yu
Author: matt
Gaming and the Real World
It’s definitely a little crap when both of your gaming groups have to cancel due to the Real World encroaching. It does leave me with a slightly deflated outlook for the rest of the week. Especially as I was really looking forward to it today, having had a visit to the dentist and 3 work-related…
WotW: Earth – Progress
I don’t know if anyone is even reading this 🙂 Certainly doesn’t look like it in the comments. I’ve got two more WotW articles on the back-burner. About the actual technology, machines of war, recovery of civilisation and what we were left with afterwards. I’ve not written a jot on system yet. Will likely re-use…
WotW: Earth – The Red Men
The tragic story of a face-eating fungus on Youtube and another about mind-controlling fungi has pushed me to write a little about the Red Men. “The church bells were ringing for evensong, and a squad of Salvation Army lassies came singing down Waterloo Road. On the bridge a number of loafers were watching a curious…
Stop the bus I want a Wii-Wii
Again The Mulley comes up with the linky-goodness. Looking at all of this makes me want a Wii. ( 😀 chuckle. See what I did there. I’m SO funny. 😀 )
In a newish blog, 10 by 10, they opine about the potential lack of balance in superhero games. I mean – Superman and Batman teamups? How does that work out? One can chew through steel, the other can…um…buy hotels with spare change… All said, having either as an enemy would be A BAD THING®. Anyway,…
spam apam soam saom?
I get a lot of SPAM. Never mind the amount that gets grabbed by my ISPs filters (which are raised one level of strength every year or so), I commonly have 300 or so that make it past the ISP and into the Junk Mail filter of Mail. There’s 50 or so that make it…
WotW: Earth – Here is the News
“At the corner of the bridge, too, I saw one of the common contrasts of that grotesque time–a sheet of paper flaunting against a thicket of the red weed, transfixed by a stick that kept it in place. It was the placard of the first newspaper to resume publication–the Daily Mail. I bought a copy…
Writing elsewhere…
A few days ago, a d20 supplement author had a little kvetch about getting bad ratings on RPGnow. One of his reviews was very constructive, the second was written by someone new to Earth Languages. He was a little down and claims it almost made him quit writing. As you can see by the thread,…
1st Transatlantic Setting Design Challenge
This post on Story Games I find quite exciting. A month to design a game, using a previously published system? And the additional commitment of having to also be a judge. As a commenter on that page put it: “It’s the exact same situation as Game Chef or 24 hour RPG — feel free to…
Review (kinda): Zombies!!!
Tonight we didn’t play Zombi, which would make that the second week in a row. Instead, we played Zombies!!! which made a small amount of difference. Less plot, more frantic backstabbing. This is therefore going to be a little review. We played Zombies with the expansions for the Army Camp, the Mall and the University…
Differing Methods of Character Generation
Over the last few years I’ve come to appreciate different methods of character generation. I’m not especially keen on point allocation systems due to concerns that they are unrealistic because a) not everyone is equal and b) they’re prone to abuse by min-maxing. (I find the latter to be more evident in games where you…
And the reason I’m a crazy-magnet may be entirely due to me being interested in shit like this. Maybe I’m a normal magnet? I’m the crazy one….
I have come to the conclusion that I am a crazy-magnet.
There must be another way.
Legendary Vapourware thread…
Not really sure whether I’m pleased or depressed…. But Qabal and The Project Sourcebook didn’t make the grade for this list on RPGnet of Legendary Vapourware even though it’s 9 pages long!. Of course, they’re too wrapped up in wondering about FRUP (which, in the tradition of the very best vapourware, is back under development.
I, for one, welcome our human-faced fish overlords…
A Fathead (genus Psychrolutes) trawled during the NORFANZ expedition at a depth between 1013 m and 1340 m, on the Norfolk Ridge, north-west of New Zealand, June 2003 (AMS I.42771-001). Photo: K. Parkinson © Australian Museum. The scientists and crew on board the RV Tangaroa affectionately called this fish ‘Mr Blobby’. Note the parasitic copepod…
Film Review: The Illusionist
I really enjoyed this movie. It showed all of the overt magic and illusion which we would associate with stage magery albeit with the benefit of camera tricks to make them seem all the more unreal. Edward Norton plays the title role of ‘Eisenheim the Illusionist’, a cabinet-makers son who falls in love with a…
I need a concept artist
I hate the fact that I’m crap at drawing. I can describe stuff but I’m finding more and more that I want to find a concept artist. I want to have some images to post with the content I’m writing. I’m nto quite at the stage where I’ll post something onto RPGnet and I’m not…
This guy ain’t rolling his own dice in my game….
“Ladies and gentlemen, some dice stacking moves” I don’t want this to be a link blog but….go watch…it’s a flash video…
Story Games. Just Bloody Great.
Good gaming blogs are hard to find. I’m building some of the better ones into my blogroll there but one of the best I’ve found is Story Games. I love it. And that’s saying something. The key here is thatt it’s REALLY a blog pretending to be a forum or vice versa. I can’t work…