Take on the reigns of a retired superhero living out their lives in a retirement home with other seniors. Try and relive smome of your glory days while fighting authoritarian wardens, the rigours of modern life and a family that would rather they didn’t have to visit so often. Silver Haired Sentinels is a roleplaying…
Category: Game Design
Progress and updates on the game design process.
Latest Project: Silver Haired Sentinels
I’ve been working on this for a while now – and just waiting on a few art pieces to be finished. So, what is it? Silver Haired Sentinels is a roleplaying game about the residents and staff of a Continuing Care Retirement Community. That would be interesting in itself but some of these Residents have…
Twilight Tangents: LEGION
I just started watching the Legion TV series (bought on iTunes) and it’s absolutely compelling. And then that made me think that it could easily be modelled using The 23rd Letter or Twilight:2000 with Twilight Tangents 1.0. David is obviously a Fury. But many of the rest of the abilities could easily be modelled.
Announcing Twilight Tangents – a multi-world sourcebook for Twilight: 2000 4th Edition
I’ve produced a couple of books for T2K4e but I’m really enjoying putting together this latest one. This book describes three alternate futures for the T:2000 game. Things to spice up the game. GET IT NOW on DTRPG Here’s some of the opening prose from one of the Tangents. For your own reasons, you joined…
T2000: CZTERY – Four Mystery Scenarios for Twilight:2000
Now available through the Free League Workshop, four mysteries for Twilight: 2000 referees who want something mysterious in their game. Ready to slot into an existing campaign or you can use the places (and maps) provided. This does the work of expanding the environment of post-apocalyptic Europe from military missions and bleak survival to mystery,…
An old ZOMBI review…
Because ZOMBI is back on sale, I figured looking at an old review might be timely. From Caliverbooks (Valkyrie mag) Zombi RPG Crucible Design Zombies have appeared in RPGs since D&D first appeared. Those early zombies were the sword fodder for many questing bands. Recently though the zombie horror movie has become a focus for…
ZOMBI now available on DTRPG
ZOMBI is now on DTRPG. Originally distributed in hardcopy through the US and Europe, this is the first digital version. The first few pages of this journal have been destroyed by fire and by weathering. The actual location of the structure is unknown. It becomes legible halfway down page six. “Though the sun overhead had…
Nor Gloom Of Night – now available on DriveThruRPG
Nor Gloom Of Night is a post-apocalyptic setting for your favourite modern RPG. Become a horse-riding agent of the Reformation States twenty years after the fall of the United States of America. The dangers out there are many; from self-proclaimed warlords to diseases long thought eradicated by modern medicine, from the people themselves to the…
Regency Royale
In late 2019, just before the Covid thing, I was working on a game design document for a real time tactics video game with the working title of “Regency Royale”. A quasi-historical world designed to evoke some great narrative inspired by one of the best RTT games in the genre, Myth II (originally by Bungie,…
WatchTower: The Game
After many games of WatchTower played using rules from other systems (primarily the classic Marvel Super Heroes game), Matt and I have knuckled down to start writing the actual WatchTower game. We were planning to start a new group and play a Supers game (Godlike was the original proposal), and before you know it we…
About Frontier and Representation
When I conceived Frontier it wasn’t the way it is now. There was a little collaboration from others and everyone had their own idea what it would become. For one it was Sci-Fi-Done-Right in the science. For another it was a aliens done right. My vision was essentially the standard picture of the Bridge Crew…
Frontier: The Snakes of Rist images
The post “The Snakes of Rist” has been updated with some art. To give a feel for the Aliens. Pop there and have a look.
Explorers: Ten Experts
Human Unity has build dozens of these craft; their primary purpose to map the wormholes and document everything they encounter. Because they may be out of touch with Earth for long periods, they are built to be totally self-sustaining. The vessels are equipped with up to 200 souls and up to 10 Experts to manage…
Looking at a black hole…..
if a black hole passed in front of a mirror, what would its reflection look like? pic.twitter.com/Ets4JRNwp9 — Matt Henderson (@matthen2) May 22, 2020 This is the sort of result that we got from Interstellar (with science from Kip Thorne) and validated by Katie Bouman in her algorithm to piece together collected data from a…
Is there life out there?
CETI We present a cosmic perspective on the search for life and examine the likely number of Communicating Extra-Terrestrial Intelligent civilizations (CETI) in our Galaxy by utilizing the latest astrophysical information. Our calculation involves Galactic star-formation histories, metallicity distributions, and the likelihood of stars hosting Earth-like planets in Habitable Zones, under specific assumptions which we…
Frontier….2020: progress, updates and the future
I’ve begun working on Frontier again, firstly through a collaboration with a young Kenyan artist to produce some concept pieces for the book. It’s really helping to crystallise some of the thoughts but I definitely need to lock down the dates for things a lot more to keep them in my head. Is it 500…
Glowing Eyes
Over the weekend I watched “The Darkest Minds”. A movie of the YA novel of the same name about some kids who gain superpowers (there are very few kids around as the ones who don’t gain superpowers tend to die). So it has shades of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, a little Wild Cards (edited by…
Current work…writing scripts
For the last few months, on top of travelling and attending a bazillion courses, I’ve been writing. I’ve written five short scripts in the world of THE 23RD LETTER. I’ve written two more in the world of STATUS: REFUGEE. I’ve written one horror script. And I’m looking at writing some scripts based on FRONTIER and…
Games Development Seminar – Belfast, 14th Sept
Last chance to register for a games technology development seminar here in Belfast. Wed, 14 September from 10:00 to 12:00 at Radisson Blu, Gasworks, Belfast The speaker is Paul Durrant, Abertay University’s Director of Business Development. He has been instrumental in developing a range of projects to support digital media IP generation, business start-up, incubation,…