Short Tales of Distant Lands Step into a world where magic whispers through ancient forests, shadows hold forgotten secrets, and ordinary lives are touched by the extraordinary. Short Tales of Distant Lands is a spellbinding collection of stories set in the richly imagined universe of Talking to Dragons. The Short Tales of Distant Lands are…
Category: Tales of Distant Lands
After their meal, they continued their journey, the forest growing darker and more foreboding as the rain intensified. The compass remained steady, its needle pointing unwaveringly ahead. It was late afternoon when they reached a clearing, the sudden openness startling after hours of navigating the dense woods. At the clearing’s centre stood a monolith, its…
The Crossing
The Wanderer rocked violently, a fragile speck in the vast, storm-beaten waters. Spicer, the captain, stood barefoot at the helm, his wiry frame braced against the ship’s shuddering frame as waves slapped mercilessly at the hull. A deep-set grin carved into his face despite the danger, he looked more at ease here, at the edge of…
New posts on Childbirth and Death in Tales of Distant Lands.
I’ve done a lot of worldbuilding here and on the RPGPUB but the place where the most content for Tales of Distant Lands lives is on the Patreon. Thers’s heaps of member only material available for free – certainly enough to actually play the game.
Tales of Distant Lands – Fights
Drennus is a Privean pirate who fights with a long blade. He’s matched against Blackfeather, a Saalian dockworker. Both have seen several scrapes in the past Drennus Body d10, Pirate d10, Past: Grew up on a Privean pirate ship (+1). Has a long blade (+1 to hit, 2 damage). Drennus is wearing boiled leather armour…
Tales of Distant Lands Playtest: Group 2, Session 2 – AP
Once she was sure that everyone was asleep, Joy crept from her stuffed straw pallet and slipped out of the room. She was sure no-one would have heard her move because of the constant put-put-put from Makaira’s snoring. But even as she pulled the door closed, she wouldn’t have seen a pair of eyes flick…