This post on Story Games I find quite exciting. A month to design a game, using a previously published system? And the additional commitment of having to also be a judge. As a commenter on that page put it: “It’s the exact same situation as Game Chef or 24 hour RPG — feel free to…
Category: Industry
Legendary Vapourware thread…
Not really sure whether I’m pleased or depressed…. But Qabal and The Project Sourcebook didn’t make the grade for this list on RPGnet of Legendary Vapourware even though it’s 9 pages long!. Of course, they’re too wrapped up in wondering about FRUP (which, in the tradition of the very best vapourware, is back under development.
I need a concept artist
I hate the fact that I’m crap at drawing. I can describe stuff but I’m finding more and more that I want to find a concept artist. I want to have some images to post with the content I’m writing. I’m nto quite at the stage where I’ll post something onto RPGnet and I’m not…
Zombi Review
Jeff Rients writes about 5 old games he feels were overlooked. While I can agree with the ancient (James Bond, Lords of Creation) and the venerable (SpaceMaster) and perhaps even the weird (SenZar – though I always thought it was an internet joke-meme) I was shocked and surprised to see number 5 on his list…
TTN: Zombi
Tonight at TableTopNorth, I decided to eschew my plans of running 2300AD because, simply, the setup is massive and I don’t know my players very well. They seemed to want an action game so I dug out a copy of Zombi, one of my own games, and decided to force them into some hot undead…
Origins of The 23rd Letter
Syndicate… As mentioned earlier, it started out as a psionics ruleset for a sci-fi corporate espionage game called Syndicate which was masterminded by John. Syndicate was never published and indeed never went beyond a couple of dozen pages of brainstorming materials. I adapted some material from some of my earlier attempts at game backgrounds, mainly…
Crucible Design….looking back
When we started out, we thought of several names for the company. One was Aes Dana Publications and another was Apocryphal Games. We played with FarTooReal, considered LeannanSidhe and with a group vote, settled on Crucible Design. We had a list of games (and supplements) we were going to produce: Syndicate (plus ‘World Conquest’ and…
Only six words to say everything?
Wired writes: Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words (“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”) and is said to have called it his best work.” They then got dozens of their favourite sci-fi, fantasy and horror writers to write six word stories (and a couple of graphic artists too). The results here are…
Games Shops in Paris
I went to two games shops in Paris and spent a little too much on books. I got some English language RPGs and could hve bought more – there’s heaps of dead-tree books that I’ve never heard of and I know there must be hundreds of electronic versions that I’ve just not the time to…
Apple Expo
I’m at Apple Expo in Paris this week and taking the opportunity to pop down to Jeux Descartes and other games shops. I hear great things about the French gaming scene but this will be the first time I experience it for real.
Viride: contribution by others
I started a thread about Viride in the RPG NET forums and I hope to continue to discuss the game in that neutral forum in the future. There have been a couple of contributors to the thread including some very thought provoking stuff from KRNVR which I think is probably evidence that he/she has the…