Short Tales of Distant Lands Step into a world where magic whispers through ancient forests, shadows hold forgotten secrets, and ordinary lives are touched by the extraordinary. Short Tales of Distant Lands is a spellbinding collection of stories set in the richly imagined universe of Talking to Dragons. The Short Tales of Distant Lands are…
Category: Tales of Distant Lands
After their meal, they continued their journey, the forest growing darker and more foreboding as the rain intensified. The compass remained steady, its needle pointing unwaveringly ahead. It was late afternoon when they reached a clearing, the sudden openness startling after hours of navigating the dense woods. At the clearing’s centre stood a monolith, its…
Tales of Distant Lands Playtest: Group 2, Session 2 – AP
Once she was sure that everyone was asleep, Joy crept from her stuffed straw pallet and slipped out of the room. She was sure no-one would have heard her move because of the constant put-put-put from Makaira’s snoring. But even as she pulled the door closed, she wouldn’t have seen a pair of eyes flick…
Public Update for Tales of Distant Lands
Today we made two private entries public. Both are more detail on the Cunning Folk. Cunning Folk are the “lesser” wizards of the worlds. People who have a smattering of wizardry in one area. They’re cure-alls, chanters, wind workers and fish-callers, but the title may be used for anyone who has a little magic and…
Tales of Distant Lands: The Song of Rusal and Erse
The Song of Rusal and Erse In the history of Saaland, Rusal was a legendary warrior, poet and prince. In the story, Rusal become enchanted with a woman he sees on a passing ship and pursues her by jumping in the water. But the waters are too strong for him to catch her. The song…
Languaging and the Naming of Things
One of the important things for the World is familiarity. I remember reading a great (and hefty) first RPG by a Scottish crowd and one of the things I remember most is not their evocative prose or the art which captured the sort of neo-victorian fantasy world, but that they took the time to use…
Talking to Dragons
Dragons of all shapes and sizes occupy this world but due to the spread of wizardry, they are most often found on remote islands or on lonely peaks. A solitary race of oviparous hermaphroditic flying lizards capable of parthenogenesis and, when mature enough, breathing fire. It takes a dragon over a hundred years to go…