So far I’ve posted two entries for the Jam The first is….Talking to Dragons This is the base system for “Tales of Distant Lands” and could be considered a QuickStart so it’s also available on DTRPG. I’ll still be working on the full release of Tales of Distant Lands obviously
One Page Game Jam 2024
We will be hacking together some entries for the one page game jam over the coming month. Pop onto our discord if you want to join in.
Public Update for Tales of Distant Lands
Today we made two private entries public. Both are more detail on the Cunning Folk. Cunning Folk are the “lesser” wizards of the worlds. People who have a smattering of wizardry in one area. They’re cure-alls, chanters, wind workers and fish-callers, but the title may be used for anyone who has a little magic and…
Tales of Distant Lands: The Song of Rusal and Erse
The Song of Rusal and Erse In the history of Saaland, Rusal was a legendary warrior, poet and prince. In the story, Rusal become enchanted with a woman he sees on a passing ship and pursues her by jumping in the water. But the waters are too strong for him to catch her. The song…
Maps of Ilsien
I put a new [public] Patreon post up today. Maps are hard. Well, they’re hard to get right.
Languaging and the Naming of Things
One of the important things for the World is familiarity. I remember reading a great (and hefty) first RPG by a Scottish crowd and one of the things I remember most is not their evocative prose or the art which captured the sort of neo-victorian fantasy world, but that they took the time to use…
Talking to Dragons
Dragons of all shapes and sizes occupy this world but due to the spread of wizardry, they are most often found on remote islands or on lonely peaks. A solitary race of oviparous hermaphroditic flying lizards capable of parthenogenesis and, when mature enough, breathing fire. It takes a dragon over a hundred years to go…
Patreon Launched
Some small encouragement from people exposed to my first short story set in the “Tales of Distant Lands” world, I’ve launched a Patreon. You can have a look at it here: All new content for “Tales of Distant Lands” will be released on the Patreon first and then updates posted here later. So, come…
In development: Tales of Distant Lands
Tales of Distant Lands is a working title for a game I’ve been dreaming about for decades. The core inspiration is definitely Earthsea, based on my love of “A Wizard of Earthsea” and “The Tombs of Atuan” which I read as a teenager. I’m currently re-reading Tombs after reading AWoE last week. The author, Ursula…
So What’s Next?
It has to be said we are YZE (Year Zero Engine) fans here at Lategaming – you only have to look at our recent releases. Always interested in new ways to bring the apocalypse. With this latest update, there’s nothing stopping you from having Supersoldiers fighting Dragons on the fields of Poland while psychics battle…
Here Be Dragons – a new enemy for Twilight 2000
Here Be Dragons – A new Enemy for Twilight 2000 [Scenario][Game Aid][Paid] Here Be Dragons is a different look at the post-apocalyptic world after a awakening of an ancient enemy brings our civilisation to ruin. This reign of Draconic Rulers brings down a Rain of Fire and destruction by tooth and fang. Smoke fills the…
Culture….and reimagining Trek
On one of the forums was the question about building Star Trek from scratch. Of course there’s always Frontier. but I#d really like to run a Culture game ? What rules system? I’ll likely hack together something on YZE because that’s a comfortable place for me. And I’m halfway through that. ? What sort of…
Whole New World – a Sci-Fi setting using Y23E/YZE as the basis
We’ve started working on (yet another) world. A Sci-Fi setting we are calling “Whole New World”. Premise I’ve been a big fan of Interstellar, released in 2014 (and therefore has it’s 10th anniversary later this year) and I’m very keen on the rush of mature Sci-Fi we got around that time. Interstellar in particular was…
Apocalyptic Endgame: The Gloom, a supplement for Twilight 2000
Get it now on DTRPG “Everything looks like a monster in the fog.” – Aki Bahrampour INTRODUCTION: As the last offensive failed, the brass decided to wheel out their last, big weapon. Drawing on decades of research in their secret bioweapons division, they finally unleashed Operation Verdigris in the war-torn fields of the front. No-one…
New and Shiny: Enhanced: Super Soldiers in the Twilight War
We just released Enhanced. This one has been a long time in the making and, due to the amount of art (all done by humans), the most expensive book we have produced to date. Remembering that all of our books are about recouping costs so we can pay more artists! Enhanced is a supplement for…
A Hopeful Ending and a New Beginning
We played our final session of The 23rd Letter play test this week, and wrapped up the story of Poppy and her baby. After recuperating overnight (under Joy’s watchful care, and a handy saline drip), Poppy recovered enough from her ordeal to tell the group about what had happened, which really just confirmed all their…
FASERIP generator
Back when I was running the Watchtower New England game using Marvel Super Heroes’ FASERIP system, I wrote a simple character generator. I found it recently, and thought I’d pop into GitHub in case other folks might find it useful. It generates random characters using the Ultimate Powers rules, which can then be tailored using…
Whither Krull?
In this 1983 science-fantasy movie, the planet Krull is invaded by an extraterrestrial conqueror known as The Beast who moves his space-capable stone dwelling (the Black Fortress) from planet to planet, consuming them. He has wormlike minions who either wear armour (Slayers) or who change shape (changelings). There’s prophecy that says the Beast can be…
Rise of R’lyeh Character Sheet
We have a character sheet for Rise of R’lyeh now.
Rise of R’lyeh – Apocalyptic Mythos Horror
Playtest copies currently available Rise of R’lyeh is designed to work with the Year Zero Engine (Step Dice) shared by games like Twilight 2000, Bladerunner, Terminal Shock, The 23rd Letter and Excession. It can be mixed with other third party supplements like Deadzone, Twilight Tangents, Twilight 2249 or any of the others out there. Mythos…